Friday, April 15, 2011

District Administrators, Can You Hear Me Now?

I've written before about the possible elements that will drive change in the field of education; one of these drivers of change is the mobile learning movement, which gives affordable, widely accessible (in terms of cell signal and 3G), and completely persuasive opportunities for communicating, learning, and consuming. These devices require low maintenance on behalf of our tech departments, gain access to bandwidth through means that we don't provide, are low cost--student owned--and entirely personalized for personalized learning.

I know district administrators who own smartphones but only use a fraction of their capability; I know superintendents who unequivocally reject what smartphones do and what they stand for; I also know administrators who are crafty users of smartphones but still don't appreciate them as a  viable alternative in 1:1 environments. So, here's an overview.

Here is a review of the movement of mobile access:

Here's how we can use them to connect and learn:

Here's some of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as the movement of mobile access relates to learning:

Here is an example of what the use of mobile access could look like:
Using Mobile Devices with Teaching & Learning
View more presentations from Michael M Grant

Here is a framework for approaching mobile learning:

Here are some resources and current thinking on mobile learning:

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